Emily Dickinson PTSA 2.8.13





updated 7/26/2024
Overall enrollment at Dickinson Elementary is down and, specifically, many grades are very close to possibly hiring another grade-level teacher .  If you have neighbors or friends with children not yet registered, or wish to variance from another LWSD elementary school, please encourage them to reach out to Andrea in the main office ASAP to start the registration process. That way we can better forecast staffing and class sizes.  Please help us spread the word! With a 2024-25 PTSA membership, you can view the online student directory . Membership opening late August. 4th graders:   Obtain a FREE pass to ... read full article
Heidi Nguyen 
Show from:
updated 7/26/2024Heidi Nguyen7/3/20246/30/2025
updated 7/26/2024
Overall enrollment at Dickinson Elementary is down and, specifically, many grades are very close to possibly hiring another grade-level teacher .  If you have neighbors or friends with children not yet registered, or wish to variance from another LWSD elementary school, please encourage them to reach out to Andrea in the main office ASAP to start the registration process. That way we can better forecast staffing and class sizes.  Please help us spread the word! With a 2024-25 PTSA membership, you can view the online student directory . Membership opening late August. 4th graders:   Obtain a FREE pass to ... read full article

Emily Dickinson PTSA    7040  208th Ave NE    Redmond WA 98053    425 936 2530    LWSD

Emily Dickinson PTSA 2.8.13 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  We serve Emily Dickinson Elementary and Explorer Community School on Union Hill in Redmond, WA.  Tax ID # 91-1212455.