1. Birthday? August 15
2. Favorite colors? pink
3. Favorite flowers? peony
4. Favorite sweet snack? mochi
5. Favorite salty snack? none
6. Favorite shop/store? Uwajimaya
7. Favorite restaurant? Bangkok Basil Thai
8. Favorite take-out?
9. Favorite pizza toppings and chain? Tutta Bella
10. Favorite donut? mochi donuts
11. Favorite coffee chain (Starbucks, Mercury, Peet's, Cypress, other)? none
12. Favorite K-Cup brand and flavors? none
13. Favorite tea and brand? none
14. Favorite beverage? boba tea
15. Sparkling water or still water? Brands and flavors? none
16. Favorite school supplies? pens
17. School supplies you're always running out of? N/A
18. What do you enjoy outside of school? Hobbies? baking
19. Allergies? none
20. How do you like being appreciated? thank you's
21. How do you relax? walking
updated 12/19/2022