Emily Dickinson PTSA 2.8.13





1.  Birthday?  July 26

2.  Favorite color?  orange

3.  Favorite flowers?  gardenia   

4.  Favorite sweet snack?  protein bars

5.  Favorite salty snack?  protein bars   

6.  Favorite shop/store?  any bookstore  

7.  Favorite restaurant?  Olive Garden    

8.  Favorite take-out?  Asian, Thai, Vietnamese, Mexican food

9.  Favorite pizza toppings and chain?  Papa John's, pepperoni, pineapple

10.  Favorite donut?  chocolate glazed donuts   

11.  Favorite coffee chain (Starbucks, Mercury, Peet's, Cypress, other)?  

12.  Favorite K-Cup brand and flavors?  French vanilla

13.  Favorite tea and brand?  don’t have one

14.  Favorite beverage?  any flavored seltzer water

15.  Sparkling water or still water?  Brands and flavors?  sparkling, any and all flavors welcome

16.  Favorite school supplies?  gym related supplies  

17.  School supplies you're always running out of?  N/A  

18.  What do you enjoy outside of school?  Hobbies?  working out, reading, exploring new places 

19.  Allergies?  none

20.  How do you like being appreciated?  notes, drawings from students

21.  How do you relax?  a good book and coffee

22.  What are some big "wish list" items you've always wanted for your classroom?  Hmmm... new mats!  Bike unit would be awesome!   


updated 8/24/2022

Emily Dickinson PTSA    7040  208th Ave NE    Redmond WA 98053    425 936 2530    LWSD

Emily Dickinson PTSA 2.8.13 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  We serve Emily Dickinson Elementary and Explorer Community School on Union Hill in Redmond, WA.  Tax ID # 91-1212455.