1. Birthday? October 13
3. Favorite flowers? lilacs, hydrangeas, roses, pretty much all flowers
4. Favorite sweet snack? Bark Thins dark chocolate and sea salt
5. Favorite salty snack? Bark Thins dark chocolate and sea salt
6. Favorite shop/store? Amazon
8. Favorite take-out? Chipotle
9. Favorite pizza toppings and chain? MOD Pizza
10. Favorite donut? raspberry-filled powdered donut
11. Favorite coffee chain? Starbucks
13. Favorite tea and brand? no fav
14. Favorite beverage? water
16. Favorite school supplies? stickers, Post-It Notes
17. School supplies you're always running out of? Post-It Notes
18. What do you enjoy outside of school? Hobbies? hiking, gardening
19. Allergies? none
20. How do you like being appreciated? notes or drawings made by students that show us together
21. How do you relax? go for walks in the neighborhood
22. Favorite school events (past or present): Spaghetti Feed, Carnival, STEM activities
23. What are some big "wish list" items you've always wanted for your classroom? STEM activities
23. What school tasks do you like parent volunteers to help with? making copies, prepping materials, laminating, reading with students on different days
updated 4/25/2023